Internship Portal and DSpace Repository Guideline


  1. Reports with a similarity of up to 25% will qualify for uploading to the Institutional Repository (DSpace).

  2. Maximum of 30% similarity will be considered for the thesis/project reports of graduates and 40% will be considered for undergraduate students with less than 3% matches from a single source for degree completion.

  3. From now and onward, students' Project Reports will be checked maximum twice at free of cost. For 3rd or onward checking of project reports, one hundred taka (Tk.100) Only will have to be deposited to the Accounts Section.

  4. Project reports will not be checked without feedback from the concerned supervisors.

  5. To receive "Plagiarism Clearance" from DIU library, one must send his/ her Project Report to the following email address: and keep his/ her supervisor in cc and of course, fill up the ‘Internship Portal’.

  6.  Video tutorial on Internship Portal (Library Part) :  Click Here

  7.  To visit Internship Portal : Click Here

  8.  Coordination officers of the departments will ensure the submission of "Plagiarism Clearance", along with all Project Reports.

  9. Once reports or thesis papers are uploaded to DSpace, they are stored permanently in the DIU database and are not subject to deletion.

  10. If their strategy includes publishing the paper through alternate publishers, they will notify the library to keep it concealed until it is prepared for publication.

  11. We earnestly request all supervisors to actively utilize a variety of tools to monitor and reduce the similarity of students' reports, discouraging any practices that violate ethical standards. Moreover, penalties will be considered for individuals using unethical tools.

  12. Students need to apply through "Internship Portal" for library clearance and they need not use the "Library Confirmation Form."


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