DIU Library: An OverView


Knowledge is needed to make life beautiful by refreshing and expanding the mind. Reading books is one of the ways to know yourself. Reading books independently is essential for students' freedom of reading and freedom of thought. Which later played a practical role in the formation of the country and the nation. And we need a library to read books independently.

The library is the lifeblood of an educational institution and the bearer of knowledge. The more developed the library, the more developed the country.

Realizing this, Daffodil International University, located in Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia, near the capital Dhaka, has established the Daffodil International University Library, which spans an area of seventy thousand (70,000) square feet. It houses a vast array of knowledge, including academic books on subjects such as history, religion, politics, economics, and culture, displayed alongside both new and old captivating books. The library boasts an impressive collection of approximately one million one hundred forty thousand five hundred (1,140,500) items, including hard copies and e-resources. All members of the DIU community are welcome to join the library. The reading area is well-equipped, accommodating up to 1,500 users at a time, with the option for members to borrow books and take them home.

The library features several sections to ensure smooth and efficient services, including the Circulation Section, Cataloging and Processing, Reference Section, Bangabandhu and Liberation War Study Centre, Newspaper and Periodical Section, Kabi Nazrul Eduplex, Rabindranath Knowledge Park, Photo Gallery, Library Cafe, as well as a Napping Zone and a Mind Mapping Place.


Bangabandhu Corner

Bangabandhu-a name, a landmark, history, and the father of the nation. By the call of Bangabandhu, freedom wanted people to take part in the liberation war of Bangladesh and achieve victory.

This corner increases the knowledge on the history of the liberation war among the university community. Through this corner, faculty and staff members, students, and researchers of the university will be able to get a comprehensive idea about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the glorious history of the birth of Bangladesh, the liberation war.

The main objective of this corner is to enrich the present generation with information about the life, work, philosophy of Bangabandhu, and know the history of the liberation war.

As a model for other institutions, this corner will play a significant role in bridging the gap between history and the present generation through its resources.

In addition, Bangabandhu's glorious contribution was not only in liberating a nation but also in leading the task of building the golden Bengal of his dreams. Which will play a role in bridging the gap between the new generation and the true history of Bangladesh.

In addition to traditional library services, e-library services are currently the most popular. There is also an e-resource browsing center. This e-library includes e-books, e-journals, e-magazines, A-Z Database including UGC, UDL, and e-resources subscribed to various national and international consortiums. Even in this corona situation, library services do not stop using contemporary library software. Through OpenAthens, users of this library can access e-resources from anywhere in the world. There is a search system through VuFind due to which there is no need to search in separate databases. Besides, there is KOHA, DSpace. Turnitin software is used to verify the authenticity of the research reports of students and researchers.

Just as there are opportunities to read books in private in different parts of the library, there is also a 'Cafe Library' in another corner, where students can read a book while sipping a mug of coffee or eating something light. There is free WiFi browsing for readers throughout the library. Which has become a dream world for book lovers in the Daffodil community.

There is no alternative to reading books and sports to keep the young generation and youth free from various crimes including drugs. Therefore, to make the library accessible to the readers, different groups regularly organize ‘lesson-chats’ to exchange reading experiences, feelings, perceptions, and opinions of the readers.

People's mental excellence, transparency in work, social responsibility, improved living — above all, I want the library to know myself.


Library Cafe'

As a growing organism, the collaboration of library services is increasing day by day as per demand users' expectations. Cafe library or Library Cafe is one of those glorious extensions called in the library building for the past few decades. Despite the digital revolution, people are returning to libraries to access resources that are not available online or just to enjoy the atmosphere of these tranquil spots.

Sometimes users have to engage in painstaking research in libraries. When users are feeling bored to research work and need some relaxation to fresh mind, then they can use the Cafe Library which is developed beside the stack area. It will be a more attractive and serene environment to read while enjoying a cup of coffee.

In this regard, a cafe in a library or Library Cafe may restart users' stamina in their scholastics works. It may save library staff time for uninterrupted service provision. Hence a Library Cafe creates a peaceful atmosphere for studying and exploring the world more interactively. Thus a library may be a full force center of creativity, community, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Keeping this in mind, for the first time in Bangladesh, Daffodil International University is providing a Cafe in its library building. This library cafe includes food and drinking facilities, floor seating facilities. Short time rest and sleeping facilities and so on to restart your brainstorm for further study.


Kabi Nazrul EduPlex 

The academic library aims to provide academic support and research reference at the right information to the users. At present education systems cross the boundary of users’ expectations. Users expect to learn a new arena of education that will be enjoyable and where sound, photographs, and teaching techniques can all come together and follow during the learning mood of the time. DIU library is thinking of a new arena of education to expose these services and facilities and how to enhance the attraction of the users to come to the library. In this connection, the DIU library is going to add an attractive EduPlex for the users and to fulfill users’ other needs. It will include education-based documentaries, movies, and theater as well as renowned experts’ opinions on the particular topics. Users will be utilized by the EduPlex as their need with the cooperation of the Head of the department.


Voice Library

Students come from different locations and they journey by Bus and Train or transport. They have killed ⅔ hours to join the class and return home. In this time, they have read different topics which are out of the course and maximum time killed in Social media like Facebook. DIU libraries are trying to overcome their valuable time and how to use or enjoy this journey. DIU library has prepared a voice library for the students so that they can easily access the voice library software to learn and hear subjective textual audio which has been taught by the teachers in the classes. About 150 textbooks have been completed as audio and students can utilize and especially pronounce words from their smartphones. Students have given their feedback which is very interesting to learn a new arena instead of using different social media. Now the voice library is an online learning center without any hassle. Hopefully, DIU students will be benefited from such services from the remote area.