Research Support


Research Support for Faculty Members

Library personnel are always ready to support researchers. Consult a librarian about using library resources, getting help with your research and teaching, or training for your research assistant on using library resources. Senior Assistant Librarian can also work with you to integrate library resources into your courses by developing customized research guides.


Mendeley Technical Support  

DIU Library provides support for Mendeley enquiries. Please state the problem(s) faced (with screen captures where possible) and contact -

Nur Ahammad
Senior Assitant Librarian
Daffodil International University

You can also search Mendeley technical support database for quick answers to your problem.

Upcoming Sessions

Upcoming sessions and events will be announced shortly...

Requesting Sessions

The library can run workshops/training for specific groups, classes or individuals on demand. These can include Mendeley, Effective search technicque, Referencing styles, Personalization of electroninc resources etc.

Bibliographical service

The library personnel are always ready to help any researchers to check their references, in making citations, and compiling initial reading list for research on demand.