What Others Say About Us

I am totally impressed to see the campus of the university. The facilities of education are very important, which is what is being done by this institution. Definitely, the institution and students as well will contribute to the development of the country.

সময়োপযোগী ও অত্যাধুনিক লাইব্রেরী। দেখে ভীষণ মুগ্ধ আমি। সমৃদ্ধ লাইব্রেরি একটি চলমান প্রক্রিয়া। দিন দিন আরও সমৃদ্ধ হোক এই লাইব্রেরী।

I am very much amaged to see the library at DIU, and I feel it is one of the best library in the Bangladesh. I wish this centre will be for disseminate knowledge.

Excellent system installed. This is the almost same level as Japan!

Very impressive and gigantic libraries all over the country. A perfect place to concentrate on the study.

Excellent facility, great for an educational center. Keep up the great work.

The DIU Library is an excellent addition to university infrastructure, where students are encouraged to spend time and consult books and journals. I am sure that in the near future, it will be enriched with many more books and journals.

এক কথায় অসাধারণ পড়াশোনার পরিবেশ , অভিভূত!
দেশের স্কিল সমস্যার সমাধানে ড্যাফোডিল বিরাট ভূমিকা পালন করছে। ধন্যবাদ CDC কে আমন্ত্রণ জানানোর জন্য।

Very thoughtful to take care of every aspect related to the holistic overall development of the student. Best wishes for progress and prospects.

Very honored to visit Daffodil University, which is a very prospective and beautiful university.

Encouraging facilities at a private university library; silence is also suitable.

"Impressed by the size of the library and study floors, seeing students sitting and studying together all the time put a nice smile on my face."

It is said that the journey to enlightenment starts with acquiring knowledge. At Daffodil University, you can see it in action.

It is an amazing experience collaborating with Daffodil's students. Daffodil University is a well-organized institution with wonderful library facilities and mesmerizing natural views. It thrills me to visit and experience it firsthand.

A very reachable and organized library. A source of knowledge for all students.

Visited DIU, a green campus! Lots of facilities are open for the students, such as a very nice and well-organized library, including the Bangabandhu and Liberation War Study Zone, Rabindranath Knowledge Park, Napping Zone, and Library Cafe. All the facilities are beautifully decorated for students.

Excellent! The modern design of the library is superb. The environment is amazing, providing a perfect place for studying, with a cafe and resting area that are very nice. In the near future, there could be accommodations for individuals with disabilities.
Every section seems to me very nice, neat and clean, well equipped. Especially, there are fewer light barriers.

The arrangement of this library is excellent. I hope that the future of the country will greatly benefit from this library.

"The library floor is spacious, well-designed, and orderly maintained with a remarkable collection of books. I am truly impressed by the library. It would be great to introduce a digital library section with kindles and tablets, providing access to the world of information technology, such as a browsing room."

"The library is truly great. It is very spacious, welcoming, and serves as an excellent place for students to learn."

আজ ডি আই ইউ এর লাইব্রেরি পরিদর্শন করলাম। এর চমৎকার পরিবেশ আমাকে মুগ্ধ করেছে। বিশেষ করে ‘বঙ্গবন্ধু কর্ণার’ দেখে খুবই ভালো লাগলো। ছাত্রদের এবং শিক্ষকদের গবেষণার জন্য লাইব্রেরীর পরিবেশ সত্যিই শিক্ষা বান্ধব। আমি এই লাইব্রেরিতে এসে সত্যিই আনন্দ লাভ করেছি। সকলের জন্য শুভ কামনা রইল।

Excellent! The library meets international standards, and I extend my best wishes to the officials and students.

Good Campus, Excellent Library

I am very impressed with the library. This library is a living social place. Students are coming here not only for study and research purposes. Here they are enjoying, resting, and learning. Very attractive place.
I am very pleased to see this 70,000 sq. ft. library at DIU. Everything is properly maintained in a sequential order. I am sure this library has a significant role in advancing human knowledge.

Well-facilitated, resourceful, and well-managed. A very good environment for library work.

Excellent facilities provided by a great team of people. It's wonderful to see the students enjoying these amenities

An excellent environment both inside and outside Daffodil International University. I am honored to have been invited to the Breastfeeding Symposium. The students, faculty, deans, administrative, and others are very cordial. The library is excellent, and my most special wish is for all to have great success in the future. Keep up the good work.
Very impressive. I could not imagine this type of library facility here in our country. The DIU students are surely so lucky. Best wishes.

I am highly impressed by the commitment of the library to prioritize learning, reading, and sharing. It is truly a remarkable achievement, and I am looking forward to continuing our collaboration.
Great facilities and a very conducive environment for study and research.

Excellent. I am impressed. Thank you.
A very large and well-organized infrastructure. Congratulations to DIU for developing such a facility, and I hope they will continue to advance institutions like this in Bangladesh.

The library is excellent, and I am impressed.

It's very beautiful and well-organized. I'm really impressed.

দেশের অন্যতম বৃহৎ লাইব্রেরি ঘুরে দেখে খুব ভালো লেগেছিল। অনেক বই, জার্নাল ও পিরিয়ডিক্যাল শিক্ষার্থীদের পাশাপাশি গবেষকদের ও অনেক কাজে লাগবে। আরও উন্নতি কামনা করি।

Excellent Library

The library is excellent. The reading environment and the well-managed system have left a strong impression on me. I am highly influenced by the services and the overall system.

It's a very good place for reading and learning, and I'm very impressed because it is well-managed in terms of the system and services for everyone.

Excellent library. Neat and clean, calm and quiet, and equipped with all the facilities of a good library. Everyone has access to the internet. Keep it up.
I am highly pleased to see this library. It is organized and well-equipped with resources. I propose collecting some international medical journals like 'The Lancet' for pharmacy students.
I am extremely delighted to visit such a rich, tidy, organized, and resourceful library. DIU will benefit from it very soon. I would love to visit this place again and again. Good luck!

I am very happy to see the library. I think it is one of the best and largest libraries in the world. Accommodation, daylight facilities, both online and hardcopy facilities are wonderful. It is a great pride of Bangladesh. Thanks to Dr. Mr. Md. Sabur Khan for this great creation.

"I am very happy to see the library. I suggest providing access to Scopus and Web of Science for quality research."